Create an account or log in to Figma with your Carlsberg professional email address.
If you're running into some issues reach out to the team via Microsoft Teams or Service Desk.
To take advantage of Malty, and its full potential you need to have Malty's libraries connected with your Figma file, so you can see all the components available.
To connect with Malty please go to Design | Connecting Libraries
Yes, if visually they match.
No, if your product has a different style. And if this is the case, you should talk with your PO to consider this adoption, and alongside you, estimate the effort of this change.
This can happen, and we got it covered.
If for some reason the component doesn't fill all your requirements, you can do one of two things
- If you think that change will be beneficial for the community you should raise the topic by opening a ticket at our Service desk
- If your change is very product-specific, you can simply detach the component from the library and use it at your will.
If you want to contribute to Malty and submit a component to the design system, please follow our Design | Collaboration flow that will guide you through all the steps
Usually 1 Sprint (2 weeks). Once we have the ticket with the branch for the new component, we do a refinement session just to make sure the component meets all the product requirements (this can be a call between the Product Designer + Malty Designer), if all is ok we merge the branch with the library and that's it, your new component is now available for the community
Important: this is only the design aspect of the component
You as a product designer should be the one to push for this.
Your product being Malty's compliant means that:
- You never start from scratch, you have constantly growing libraries to work with;
- Guidelines and best practices to support your design decisions
- Products will share the same visuals and experience
- No more redundancy in components
- You have the Malty team supporting your product