Whether a product adopts all at once or incrementally over time, we can help you understand how to adopt by breaking it down into a series of steps. And the more you make it feel like a checklist, the better.
Teams adopt systems at different rates.
New products are easy!
Use the system as a foundation to achieve complete adoption from the start.
For existing products, it’s more complicated.
Some choose to stop everything, throw out the old, implement the new, and get back to work in a limited number of sprints. This big bang approach occurs because teams see the immediate value (yes!), are forced to (sigh…), or want to just do it and move on.
Others yearn for an incremental approach, saying:
“We’ll be successful if …
… standards rollout in phases that don’t overwhelm our development.”
… I integrate small parts one at a time while working on features.”
… lines of business bring their products up to date little by little.”
Bit by bit, part by part, the system weaves in alongside features work.
Following Malty's guidelines, we can give you a few tips & tricks about the adoption steps.
All projects, even the ones where the teams work horizontally, have some chain when deciding what to develop or adopt next. Here it's the same!
First, the Product Owner needs to be onboarded into the adoption process in order to estimate together with the Designers and the Developers which tasks are going to be onboarded during a specific period of time. This timestamp can be for one sprint, a quarter or the whole year.
Secondly, the Designers are the next ones to step in and adopt Malty's components into the product designs in order to pass them to the development team.
The Designers can see the design kickoff that we provide.
Last, but not least, the Developers step in, and accordingly with the guidelines provided by the Designers and the timelines agreed upon with the Product Owners, start the development process for the adoption of Malty. This process can be done by collaborating with Malty's internal team or by just building the features planned in the product using Malty's components.
The Developers can see the development kickoff that we provide.
Those that don’t go all the way right away need to know what’s important, how to approach it, and how far you're expected to go.
That's why we don't have a clear answer for you. It can take a couple of weeks, months or years.
We can show you how adoption works by depicting how to go from an initial commitment to full adoption via incremental achievements based on specific criteria.
For a more straightforward library of style and components, a model could use levels with literal names and detailed items: