
Thinking about using Malty? Here are some considerations.

Whether a product adopts all at once or incrementally over time, we can help you understand how to adopt it by breaking it down into a series of steps.

Probably, make it feel like a checklist for better understanding.

Teams adopt systems at different rates. New products are easy: use the system as a foundation to achieve complete adoption from the start. For existing products, it’s more complicated.

With this being said, we can show you two ways of adopting Malty.


Big Bang or Incremental?

Some of the product teams choose to stop everything, throw out the old, implement the new, and get back to work in a limited number of sprints. This big bang approach occurs because teams see immediate value, are forced to, or want to just do it and move on.


Others yearn for an incremental approach, saying that they'll be successful if the new standards rollout in phases that don't overwhelm the development. They start by integrating small parts at the same time that they're developing new features. So, bit by bit, part by part, Malty weaves in alongside features work.