Product Card

Product card is used in e-commerce to provide a concise and visually appealing way to showcase products and help users make informed purchase decisions

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Published: February 27, 2024
Updated: February 27, 2024
Catalog card in CS+ catalog page

Catalog card in CS+ catalog page




User action

Catalog card


Informative content, with multiple actions and inputs, an image, and text

Inside of Grid

Input forms, confirmation, toggle

Catalog cards may appear in different shapes and sizes and in different scenarios and contexts. It contains a product image, titles, descriptions, and calls to action.



Organism/Card Catalog


1. Image area
2. Text area
3. Action area

1. Image area

The image area showing a product image is mandatory when using a product catalog component.

All other atoms embedded (discount pill, cart pill, etc.) are not mandatory. See more in the "Atom/Image area"

2. Text area

The text area is also mandatory, but price and Loyalty atoms are optional.

Check the atom's different options in "Atom/Text area"

3. Action area

Check the atom's different options in "Atom/action area"


Molecule/Image area

1. Header information
2. Image
3. Favorites

1.Header information

Pills are only used when the product itself requires it.
Pills can be:
- Text + icon (optional icon) - left upper side - Optional
- Just text (ex. -20%) - left upper side - can be price, percentage, new or free - Optional
- Cart icon + number (once added to cart) - right upper side - Mandatory


The image (not the grey area, but the image) is in a square format -
- Desktop - 180px by 180px
- Mobile - 120px by 120px


Once the heart button is clicked it changes to heart filled icon.

Molecule/Text area

1. MRO
2. SKU
3. Product title
4. Packtype dropdown
5. Price
6. Loyalty points


Price can be displayed in 2 different ways

  • Default
  • Promotion

Price can be hidden, but if the price is hidden, the action area will be too, except if it's a loyalty card.


1. MRO


MRO - Mandatory, recommended, and optional - This is a pill with just a letter.



Stock Keeping Unit - displays the product number

3.Product title


Text can have up to 2 lines.

If text surpasses 2 lines, ellipses will appear at the end of the second line.



A dropdown can appear when a product has different volumes for the same brand.


Price can be displayed in 2 different ways
Price can be hidden, but if the price is hidden, the action area will be too, except if it's a loyalty card.




6.Loyalty points


Loyalty points are points given to the user if the product is bought.

If there is no price loyalty points can be displayed on the left-hand side.

Molecule/action area

1. Stock
2. Input value + action button
3. Alert information

1. Stock

Mandatory if applicable
Mandatory to use if the stock information is available in the data. If not it can be hidden
This is connected to the actions, if there are no actions, then there is no stock as well.

2. Input value + action button

Input value
If the product is illegible to be bought then the input should appear.
- the minus button decreases the value (1 by 1).
- the plus button increases the value (1 by 1) - Can be disabled if a maximum amount has been reached.
- If clicked in the input area user can write down the number he wishes - Can only reach a maximum of 9999.

Action button
Action should always be visible unless the "Atom/action" is disabled. While enabled it should always have action.
- Add to cart action (desktop - text only) and cart icon (mobile - icon only)

- Alternative action - If there is no stock for that specific product remove all the inp

3. Alert information

Uses the Inline alert atom from malty and only appears if there is a need to inform about something regarding the product (ex. max number of the stock reached)

Diference in alternative vs normal card

Diference in alternative vs normal card

Different card styles (plain, outlined, shadowed)

Different card styles (plain, outlined, shadowed)

Sizes and Spaces

If you are using the version with no padding (shown below), then the only spaces on the main component are:
- 8px between the image and text area
- 8px between the text area and action area

Catalog card with padding is the same bit has and overall 16px around the component.

For the mobile version without padding, it stays the same as the desktop version (see the first row).

If the mobile version has padding then it has 8px around the whole component.


For the atoms inside of the main component, it consists of 8px padding separating every other atom with 2 exceptions:

- the margin below the image, both with 16px apart.

- the button with the input - this distance can increase and decrease, in mobile is 8px, but if the component is wider then it increases as well.








desktop mobile



default promo empty loyalty

Default - No discounts, can have a promo.


Promo - Has a discount applied, can also have a promo.


Empty - related to products that you can return the empty can (fill is different to indicate it is an empty - System - success light - 50%)


Loyalty - Does not have a price, discount, or promos associated.


plain outlined shadowed

Plain - no background on the text area


Outlined - there's an outline around the whole card as well as padding, and a white background


Shadowed - White background with padding, and a shadow like in cards.


true false

Indication if the product has a promotion.


true false

Indication if the product has a discount.


true false

Indicates if the product is already in the cart.


true false

Hide/Show MRO.


true false

Hide/Show Sku.


true false

If a product has multiple pack types you can activate a dropdown to select which pack type you want.


in stock low stock

no information no stock

no stock + date

Different States that products can be in:

In stock - The product has stock in store

Low stock - The product has low stock in store.

No information - The store does not know the stock of the product.

No stock - No stock in store (here user cannot add to the cart, but he can see alternatives)

No stock + date - No stock in store + date when the stock will be available again.

Alert information

true false

If the product has reached max stock that can deliver.




Card catalog behaviour on mouse hover and click

Card catalog behaviour on mouse hover and click




Card catalog responsiveness

Card catalog responsiveness

The Catalog card has a fluid width. If there is enough width to fit another Catalog card, it should happen. As for its height, it adjusts to its content's height, but changing the content height in one of the cards will affect the whole row of products (only that row), this way the buttons are always aligned at the bottom.

The Catalog card has a min-width of 150px and the max-width depends on the space it has to fill.

The Catalog card has a min-height of 312px and the max-width depends on the space it has to fill.

The price is the only atom that will be centralized in the component, it moves based on the height.



Max-width on each breakpoint












Catalog card

4 to 5 cards desktop in a row

4 cards desktop in a row

3 cards desktop in a row

2 cards desktop in a row

2 cards mobile in a row


